FOIL Form and Information

Freedom of Information Law (FOIL) Online Request Form 
Application for Public Access to Records to the Town of North Castle

Town of North Castle Records List by Department
This is a list of records maintained by the Town of North Castle by Department as required by the Freedom of Information Law. Please be advised that the presence of a record on this list does not mean it is subject to release pursuant to the Freedom of Information Law. [ Please see below: Public Officers Law, Section 87(3)(c).]

“Each agency shall maintain:

(c) a reasonably detailed current list by subject matter, of all records in the possession of the agency, whether or not available under this article. Each agency shall update its subject matter list annually, and the date of the most recent update shall be conspicuously indicated on the list. Each state agency as defined in subdivision four of this section that maintains a website shall post its current list on its website and such posting shall be linked to the website of the committee on open government. Any such agency that does not maintain a website shall arrange to have its list posted on the website of the committee on open government.”  [Public Officers Law 87(3)(c).]

New York State Archives/Records Management Local Government Schedule: LGS-1