Residential Generator Application Information

The information below is what is required to apply for a Residential generator.

  1. A Building permit application including:
    1. A survey indicating the location of the generator and compliance to section 355-15Q. Power generators, noise-producing equipment and aboveground fuel tanks. All power generators, noise-producing equipment and aboveground fuel tanks shall be subject to the following requirements, except for preexisting installations:

(1) Such equipment shall comply with all minimum setback requirements as applicable to accessory structures. (Half the distance of the required setback.)

(2) Such equipment shall not be permitted to be located within any front yard unless it is set back at least three times the distance required for a principal building.

(3) All such equipment shall be screened and fenced as required by the Building Inspector.

(4) "Exercise time" for such equipment shall be limited to weekdays between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 pm.

b. The specification sheet of the generator and the manufactures recomendations of the proxicimity to a structure of the generator.

c. Westchester County license, worker comp, liability and disability, naming the Town of North Castle as certificate holder. (Workers comp. and disability cannot be on an accord form.)

        2. A Plumbing permit application for the gas work. (If there is an existing gas line that will be used.)

        3. An Electrical permit

        4. RPRC exemption form needs to be filled out if applicable. If not, RPRC approval will be required.