WD1 (NWP) 2014 Lead Non Compliance

Information Page Regarding Your Drinking Water

WATER DISTRICT No.1 is back on Reduced Monitoring for Lead as approved by the Health Department: See their letter here.

Required notice sent to all Water District No. 1 Consumers

This page will be updated with information on this subject:

Some additional details relative to the recent required notice sent to each water account in North Castle Water District No.1

Some Background:

  • Our source water has not exceeded the limit.
  • We have been on reduced monitoring for Lead for the past twenty years, meaning we are required to sample ten (10) locations every three years, a reduction from the original twenty (20) sites. 
  • Due to the recent Action Level Exceedance we are now required to increase our sampling back to the original twenty sites.
  • The first round of samples is required to be collected during the first six months of 2015.
  • A second round of samples will be collected during the second half of 2015.

The simplest thing you can do:

When you use tap water no matter where you are, let the water run until cool to the touch prior to consuming.

Informational Links: